Believing in you and your dreams
Life today is a challenging maze where self-discovery can be both exciting and scary.
As I continue to discover and rediscover who I am and what I want to do, I have changed careers, done courses, completed my degrees, moved from one province to another. Often, I have been asked but “why do you want to go and study” or “why do you want to move to another province”? For me the answer is simple. I love exploring and learning about new things. I love challenging myself to see the beauty in our country and people and I am passionate about helping people see their worth and fulfilling their goals. I am unashamedly stubborn and when someone says to me that I cannot do something, it is like holding a red flag to a bull and I prove to myself and to the “doubters” that actually, I can!
On my life’s journey so far, I have met people who have encouraged and supported me. I have also met those who have doubted me and questioned my abilities and my sanity. I have taken risks to believe in me and reach the goals and dreams I have for me, and I will continue to do so. It is easy to just accept the situations and circumstances we find ourselves in, to get comfortable with what we have even though we want more or want something different. We tell ourselves that we can’t, or we worry about what others will think.
It is important to remember that what is right for one person may not be right for another. Each of us is a unique individual with our own preferences, beliefs, desires, and needs. We have distinct perspectives, dreams, and passions. Conformity and settling forces us to disconnect from our true selves. The more we conform and settle, the more we sacrifice who we are and what we want.
We start wearing a mask, and eventually, this facade becomes our way of life. We do what is expected of us, make those around us happy, but deep inside, there is a persistent feeling that we are not living our own lives, we are living someone else’s script. Our self-belief erodes, and we adopt the limitations imposed by others as our own.
Choosing Your Path
The good news is that you do have a choice. You can continue living a life that does not truly belong to you, or you can take control and shape your own destiny. The first step is to believe in yourself and your dreams. Do not allow others to define your abilities with their limitations. It is time to break free from the constraints of conformity and embrace your uniqueness. You are deserving of a life that reflects your true self. Reject the mask, cast aside the doubts, and dare to set your own goals.
How to set those goals?
Ask yourself the following three questions:
What do I want?
Why do I want it?
What do I need to do to achieve these goals?
Write down everything you want to change or do, whether it is big or small. Identify those goals that are similar and group them together.
Look at the list of goals and prioritise them.
Look at your list of prioritised goals and identify two of these goals that will make the most impact in your life right now and those which you can accomplish in 12 months.
The next step is to identify the steps you need to take to achieve these goals.
Finally, take action. No matter how small the action, just start and soon you will have made so much progress you will wonder why you waited so long.
Remember life is about choices and the choices you make will shape how your life story plays out.
Take action towards a more authentic and successful you now. Start today and live for a better tomorrow.
Get in contact to book your FREE discovery session and get your journey started